Program 2024

Alustava aikataulu ja sisältöteemat

The main content of the program is in Finnish. The content that is produced in English or bilingually in English and Finnish is listed here. In addition, we offer mentoring and coaching in English - provided both by us and by outside experts according to your needs.

Sparrausta tarpeen mukaan

Osallistujilla on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa, mitkä teemat otamme mukaan sparraussessioihimme.

| 07.03.2024 | Kick-off lunch, talk in Finnish but possibility to book mentoring with Mikko Kähärä from Social First Games Oy, an experienced local entrepreneur | klo 12-16 | Xamk XLab, Kirkkokatu 20, Kotka + Teams | | 12.03.2024 | Road to Ship pitching training kick-off | klo16–17 | Online in English, then possibility to book mentoring in Finnish or English | | 19.03.2024 | Road to Ship pitching training continues | klo 16-17 | Online in English & then possibility to book a live or online mentoring session | | 26.03.2024 | Road to Ship pitching training continues | klo 16-17 | Online in English & then possibility to book a live or online mentoring session in Finnish or English | | 02.04.2024 | Road to Ship pitching training continues | klo16-17 | Online in English + mentoring | | 11.04.2024 | Funding info: ELY-keskus ja Business Finland, last half hour in English | klo 13-14:30 | Teams | | 25.04.2024 | Business Model Canvas follow-up | klo 12 | Kohoa synergiakeskus, Kouvola & online | | April | Web site & digital marketing coaching session - hear from the experts, get feedback on your website | klo13-15 | Xamk Xlab, Kirkkokatu 20, Kotka + Teams | | 16.-17.05.2024 | Ship Startup Festival | klo 09-17 | Vellamo, Kotka & some portions streamed online | | Toukokuu | Branding and marketing | klo 13 | Kohoa Synergiakeskus, Kouvola | | June | Arctic15, Helsinki | klo 9-18 |Helsinki |