Accelerate in Kymenlaakso

Kymi ACCElerator is free accelerator program for companies established in the Kymenlaakso region

26.8.2024 Kohoan Xamk-tiloissa

Kymi ACCElerator päätöstilaisuus

Teemana rahoitus ja startupit Kymenlaaksossa


  • klo 12:00–13:00 Lounas ja verkostoituminen

  • klo13:00–13:15 Xamk Projektipäällikkö Erna Gronow ja Kohoa Heli Vartiainen: Kymi Accelerator kuulumiset

  • klo 13:15–14:00 Oskari Lausala: Alueellinen sijoitusrahasto Kymenlaaksoon - opinnäytetyön tuloksia

    Oskari Lausala on Xamk liiketalouden opiskelija joka on intohimoisen kiinnostunut sijoittamisen ja rahoituksen maailmasta. Hän on mm. opiskelijoille suunnatun Pörssisäätiön sijoituskilpailun finalisti. Oskarin opinnäytetyö käsittelee alueellista sijoitusrahastoa Kymenlaaksoon. Oskarin puheenvuoron jälkeen on aikaa keskustelulle.

  • 14:00–14:20 LUT yrittäjyyden ja innovaatioiden professori Marko Torkkeli: Startupit, rahoitus ja kiihdyttämöohjelmat - näkemyksiä

    Kohoassa on myös LUT, ja sieltä saapuu professori Marko Torkkeli kertomaan näkemyksiään aiheesta. Hän on laajasti tutkinut yrittäjyyttä ja innovaatioita ja niiden saloja.

  • 14:20–14:30 Loppukysymykset ja puheenvuorot

What is this?

Accelerator program

for companies established in the Kymenlaakso region

Join us and receive free expert help to boost your company growth – and gain a network of like-minded entrepreneurs. Commercializing new product and service ideas, launching new business concepts, getting funding – let’s get together and think of how to reach your goals!

The first round of the Kymi Accelerator program begins in October 2023 and is meant for all SMEs in the Kymenlaakso region of South-East Finland

The Kymi Accelerator is free of charge and available across the Kymenlaakso region. We organize workshops, mentoring and events in both Kouvola and Kotka, with the possibity to join in online. We also would love to get to know more about your business ideas, and are available to visit and mentor you wherever you may be in Kymenlaakso.

The accelerator program consists of weekly workshop or webinar sessions or events, with additional mentoring sessions that you may book as best suits your timetable. We will be taking longer breaks for the Autumn break and Christmas-New Years holidays.

We will kick-off with a lunch and afternoon together at Kohoa synergiakeskus in downtown Kouvola on October 3rd, - with the afternoon also online. 

As part of the Kymi Accelerator program, besides our own mentoring and workshops, we are integrating also content and events produced by other entities that are helping entrepreneurs in our region, including Kymen Yrittäjät (the entrepreneurs association), Cursor and Kinno regional development companies and Xamk  University projects.

We accelerate with you:

Join the Program!

Fill up the form and we will contact you!

Kymi Accelerator Themes

  • Networking

    You are not alone as an entrepreneur! Join us and meet like-minded entrepreneurs, join the community of startup and growth-minded business founders and experts

  • Funding

    Let’s think together of how best to access different funding channels for business

  • Commercialization

    Finding markets and customers for new products and services

  • Design

    Get to tools for an in-house design sprint to boost your product and service development

  • Marketing and Sales

    Learn new ways to reach customers and grow awareness of your offering

Homebases at

Kotka and Kouvola

The Kymi Accelerator is funded by the Council of Kymenlaakso. The Accelerator is brought to you by the Digital Economy team of Xamk the University of Applied Sciences of South-East Finland in cooperation with Kohoa Synergy Center

The accelerator has two home bases where we meet, the Kohoa Synergy Center in downtown Kouvola and the Xamk Xlab workspace in downtown Kotka. We are happy also to meet you and other local entreprenerus on your home turf elsewhere in Kymenlaakso

Contact us and let’s think of how we could best help your business grow and thrive – join the Kymi Accelerator!

Behind the Scenes:

Contact the Team

Erna Gronow

Erna Gronow

Project Manager

+358 40 688 6919
Jani Kiviranta

Jani Kiviranta


+358 40 722 8722


Please feel free to contact either Erna Gronow or Jani Kiviranta at anytime, we are happy to tell you more and to hear more about your business and how we could best help you fulfill your business dreams.
The Spring 2024 round of the Kymi Accelerator runs from the beginning of March 2024 to the beginning of June 2024. Every week something will be on the agenda: workshops, webinars, networking meetups, mentoring and coaching sessions, possibilities to meet other startups and investors. Of course, you do not need to participate in everything available but may choose what best serves the challenges your company is facing.